Perth City Farm
Perth City Farm is a thriving, innovative urban farm that inspires people to create and support sustainable food systems that nourish communities and the environment.

Perth City Farm is an urban community garden, education and network centre that operates on permaculture principles. Before becoming an organic permaculture centre, the site had been used as a scrap metal yard and a battery recycling plant. In transforming the site we demonstrated how vital agricultural processes could be enlisted to revitalise a city, bringing normally opposing environments of city and farm together to produce a whole much greater than the sum of it’s parts.
Our produce, markets and workshops make for healthy bodies, our community outreach and social programs make for healthy communities, our innovative sustainable practices and education centre make for a healthy city. Combined together all these make for a healthy planet.
The East Perth City Farm was founded in 1994 as an initiative of the Planetary Action Network (PAN), the youth branch of Men of the Trees in Western Australia.

Perth City Farm is a farm, nursery, cafe, venue for hire, an organic farmers market every Saturday morning and more!
The cafe is open from 7-3 week days and Sundays 7-12. Contact Ayla and Aaron for bookings on 9221 7300.
The farm is open 8.30-4.00pm Monday to Friday and 8-12 on Saturday.

See the website for much more information!

Non-profit organization